In this post we try add decimal numbers.
Practice two digit addition. Even decimals also you can try using two digit addition. For example
Example 1 : 1.26 + 8.23 + 7.26 + 1.45
Its very simple one and just like addition.
But what about following one
Example 2 : 1.2 + 2.34 + 1.234 + 5.6784 = ?
Here confusion arises because number of digits after decimal.
In decimal addition you need to make number digits should be same for all the numbers. After decimal, max four digits are there. So you make all numbers should have 4 digits after decimal.
1.2000 + 2.3400 + 1.2340 + 5.6784
Now this is similar to Example 1.
Your calculation will become easy, if you think as centimeter or millimeter etc
As you know 1 meter = 100 centi meter
1 meter = 1000 milli meter
Example 3 : 1.23 + 1.2 + 1.234
After decimal, 3 digits are there. So you think after decimal value think it as milli meter. So above numbers as 1 m 230 mm + 1m 200mm + 1m 234 mm
By thinking like this enables you for mental calculation of decimals.
If you have any questions, send mail to
I am glad to respond to your queries.
Practice two digit addition. Even decimals also you can try using two digit addition. For example
Example 1 : 1.26 + 8.23 + 7.26 + 1.45
Its very simple one and just like addition.
But what about following one
Example 2 : 1.2 + 2.34 + 1.234 + 5.6784 = ?
Here confusion arises because number of digits after decimal.
In decimal addition you need to make number digits should be same for all the numbers. After decimal, max four digits are there. So you make all numbers should have 4 digits after decimal.
1.2000 + 2.3400 + 1.2340 + 5.6784
Now this is similar to Example 1.
Your calculation will become easy, if you think as centimeter or millimeter etc
As you know 1 meter = 100 centi meter
1 meter = 1000 milli meter
Example 3 : 1.23 + 1.2 + 1.234
After decimal, 3 digits are there. So you think after decimal value think it as milli meter. So above numbers as 1 m 230 mm + 1m 200mm + 1m 234 mm
By thinking like this enables you for mental calculation of decimals.
If you have any questions, send mail to
I am glad to respond to your queries.
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