Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fractions -- Introduction

Quote : Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I aessure you that mine are greater.
                                                                              --Albert Einstein  

What is fraction?
Dividing into equal pieces or parts.

When  fractions are used?
Let me take one example. Two friends want to share 10 rupees. how much each one of them get?
Answer is 5. But how did you get that. By dividing 10 into 2 parts. So by division whole thing divided into equal parts

In the above example each part is Rs. 5/- i.e 10 x 1 / 2

In 1/2
1 is numerator
2 is denominator

Let me ask you one question.
If the two friends divide Rs. 10/- into 4 parts and each one takes two parts. Then each one will get how many rupees? Then also Rs.5/- only

So 10 x1/2 or 10 x 2/4 or 10 x 3/6..... all are equal.

Rule : if you multiply numerator and denominator with the same number, there is no change in the value of fraction.

1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6

Fractions can be expressed as decimal values. For example
1/2 = 0.5
1/4= 0.25

In the above example whole amount i.e. Rs. 10/-
how many friends sharing i.e. denominator

if 3 friends divide Rs. 10/-  then one part value is 10 x 1 / 3
if 4 friends divide Rs. 10/-  then one part value is 10 x 1 / 4
if 5 friends divide Rs. 10/-  then one part value is 10  x 1 / 5

each part value = whole value / no. of friends sharing

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