Leadership and learning are indespansable to each other
- John F Kennedy
Note: All these tricks applicable for below 100. We can extend these tricks to above 100 with slight modification in the formula. Some tricks applicable without modifications also.
Let me recall tricks for multiplication with 5 and 9
Ex : 48 x 5 = ?
step 1 : 48 / 2 = 24
step 2 : 24 x 10 = 240
Therefore 48 x 5 = 240
Ex : 48 x 9 = ?
From now onwards we will follow the following notation :
.../1000's digit / 100's digit/ 10's digit/ 1's digit
So 48 x 9
1's digit : 10 -8 = 2
10's digit : 48 - 4 - 1 = 43
In the result (43) 10's digit is 3
4 becomes 100's digit
Therefore 48 x 9 = 432
If you have any confusion, please refer the formula in previous post.
Multiplication with 11 :
11 table song
This is very easy. Multiplication by 11 is adding the digits in the number.
Lets see how this works
Ex1 : 23 x 11 = ?
Remember the notation as I mentioned above
1's digit : 3
10's digit : 2 + 3 = 5
100's digit : 2
So 23 x 11 = 253
Ex2 : 49 x 11 = ?
1'digit : 9
10's digit : 4 + 9 = 13
100's digit : 4
So 49 x 11 = 4 / 13 / 9
= 539 ( 1 carry forward to hunderds in 13. so 4 + 1 = 5 )
Ex3 : 54 x 11 = ?
Ex4 : 74 x 11 = ?
Practice above examples.
Happy Learning ...
- John F Kennedy
Note: All these tricks applicable for below 100. We can extend these tricks to above 100 with slight modification in the formula. Some tricks applicable without modifications also.
Let me recall tricks for multiplication with 5 and 9
Ex : 48 x 5 = ?
step 1 : 48 / 2 = 24
step 2 : 24 x 10 = 240
Therefore 48 x 5 = 240
Ex : 48 x 9 = ?
From now onwards we will follow the following notation :
.../1000's digit / 100's digit/ 10's digit/ 1's digit
So 48 x 9
1's digit : 10 -8 = 2
10's digit : 48 - 4 - 1 = 43
In the result (43) 10's digit is 3
4 becomes 100's digit
Therefore 48 x 9 = 432
If you have any confusion, please refer the formula in previous post.
Multiplication with 11 :
11 table song
This is very easy. Multiplication by 11 is adding the digits in the number.
Lets see how this works
Ex1 : 23 x 11 = ?
Remember the notation as I mentioned above
1's digit : 3
10's digit : 2 + 3 = 5
100's digit : 2
So 23 x 11 = 253
Ex2 : 49 x 11 = ?
1'digit : 9
10's digit : 4 + 9 = 13
100's digit : 4
So 49 x 11 = 4 / 13 / 9
= 539 ( 1 carry forward to hunderds in 13. so 4 + 1 = 5 )
Ex3 : 54 x 11 = ?
Ex4 : 74 x 11 = ?
Practice above examples.
Happy Learning ...
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